Search Results
Neuroscience and the performance of ancient drama on the modern stage, with Peter Meineck
Cognitive Science and Ancient Greek Drama
Peter Meineck, Landscape and ecstasy: The neurosicence of the ancient Athenian theatre
Ancient Greek Theatre For Modern Veterans: PETER MEINECK On The Need For Military Voices In Academia
Aquila Theatre - Herakles by Euripides Translated & Adapted by Peter Meineck
SASAH Speakers' Series: Evidence for the Future: Peter Meineck
Topics for Challenging Times - Applied Ancient Studies
What You Might Expect
Brainworks: The Theatre of Neuroscience | Episode 1| Rinse & Repeat
Neuroscience and theatre - how they can be used to help improve inter-personal relationships
Greek Tragedy, Women and War, with Nancy Rabinowitz
Brainworks: The Theatre of Neuroscience | Promo